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Waste benchmarking, forecasting and reduction

Cut waste in construction

Waste reduction is a target across all our frameworks, and we use the Construction Waste Portal to deliver waste benchmarking, forecasting and reduction.

We've moved beyond diverting waste from landfill towards a focus on reducing waste at source, with waste reduction targets included in our civil engineering and construction frameworks.

Stock image showing demolition at a construction site with a yellow crane digging in rubble

Waste forecasting that works for you

Accurately predicting waste allows you to actively reduce waste.

We acquired the Construction Waste Portal to allow you to predict, manage, reduce and prevent waste on your projects. Promoting the principles of the circular economy has the potential to revolutionise the construction industry.

Construction Waste Portal logo

Digitise your waste management

Digital, flexible and scalable, the Construction Waste Portal utilises waste management data from over 1,500 completed construction projects to improve material use in construction projects, facilitating the tracking of waste and its embodied carbon – estimates, actuals and targets. Free across our SCAPE Scotland projects, the portal provides you with performance data capture, target setting, and reporting.

By connecting waste producers to waste managers, we aim to make it easier for the construction sector to maximise resource efficiency to the highest possible environmental standards.

A proven track record

We're pleased to have a great track record in reducing the volumes of construction waste transferred to landfill from projects, with our recent frameworks consistently delivering rates of recycling above 95%.

Working with our framework delivery partners and supply chain across the construction industry, we recognise that we must go beyond recycling; moving up the waste hierarchy and reducing waste arisings (and the associated carbon emissions) at source across the construction project lifecycle.

Building on the past success to divert waste from landfill, we have established an aspirational target of 50% reduction in construction waste at source from a baseline established for each of our delivery partners at the outset of the framework, with annual targets for the reduction of waste intensity. Our framework partners are invited to establish their own targets for reduction in waste intensity over the lifetime of our frameworks, and to identify a target for each project specifically at the outset.

Construction Waste Portal logo CTA strip

A digital solution to construction waste management

Construction Waste Portal

The portal is a free additional benefit for SCAPE Scotland projects, providing performance data capture, target setting, and reporting for projects.