Stockingfield Junction Footbridge
Project value: £12.8m
Sector: Infrastructure
On time: 100%
On budget: 100%
Customer Satisfaction: 8.5/10
CCS Score: 43/50
Fair Payment: 100%
SME Engagement: 82%
Time spent dedicated to supporting young people: 60 hours
Volunteering time: 32 hours
"This new bridge will offer people living and visiting North Glasgow better walking, wheeling and cycling connectivity than before."
Michael Matheson
Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport
The Stockingfield Bridge project aims to reconnect three communities in north Glasgow; Ruchill, Gilshochill and Maryhill, and will complete the last link in the Forth and Clyde Canal towpath.
The original towpath was severed back in the 18th century following the construction of the Bowling branch of the canal. The installation of the new cable stayed footbridge will improve travel and provide better access routes to leisure and employment opportunities in the West end and city centre.
The project, which is being delivered by Scottish Canals with funding from the Scottish Government through Sustrans and the Glasgow City Council’s Vacant Derelict Land Fund, aims to reconnect North Glasgow through the canal towpath. Awarded via the SCAPE Scotland Civil Engineering framework, Scottish Canals engaged Balfour Beatty to construct a new 3.5m wide bridge comprising of two single span decks suspended on a network of cables connected to a single inclined pylon situated on the east bank of the canal.
When completed the new crossings will enable pedestrians and cyclists to cross the canal at towpath level rather than having to negotiate the existing footways below the existing aqueduct.
The new, curved footbridge was designed to meet the needs of a wide range of canal users. It also features an integrated observation deck and landscaping to provide better access to green and blue spaces on the canal. New public recreational spaces will also be created with art installations in an aim to boost use of the canal.
To aid the design of the footbridge, Balfour Beatty’s in-house survey team carried out an extensive range surveys, including;
1. Traditional GPS & total station
2. Sonar, laser scanner and aerial photography
3. Canal bed levels surveying using a remote-controlled survey boat
The results of the surveys were merged with topographic data to produce a comprehensive 3D model of the site. The model was used to showcase to local residents how the bridge would look when completed.
A key challenge of the project was ensuring the waterways remained as accessible as possible to all canal users, whether using the towpath or the actual canal. Unfortunately, it was necessary to temporarily close sections of the canal towpaths to complete some construction works. To ensure disruption was minimised and well publicised in advance to canal users, Balfour Beatty teams regularly meet with the local Rotary Club. This helped to keep the local community informed and fostered good working relationships with all relevant stakeholders.
When completed the new bridge will link the communities of Maryhill, Gilshochill and Ruchill in the city for the first time since the waterway opened in 1790. It will also provide the last link in the canal towpath completing the National Cycle Network Route 754, which offers a traffic free route between Glasgow and Edinburgh via the Falkirk Wheel.
Stockingfield Bridge will be opened during the 200th anniversary of the Union and Caledonian canals, which have endured the test of time. Stockingfield Bridge ushers in a new era for Scotland's inland waterways, one that prioritises active travel, health, and community.
"It’s fantastic to see the Stockingfield Bridge take final shape and reconnect communities across the north of Glasgow. This ambitious project will improve local opportunities for active travel as well as offering a continuous route between Bowling and Edinburgh across the wider canal network. The Scottish Government has provided over £13 million to deliver this project because it unlocks real change in the opportunities that people will have to travel more actively – improving health, wellbeing and protecting our environment." - Patrick Harvie MSP, Minister for Active Travel
"This iconic new structure is a major investment and a symbol of change for North Glasgow, continuing the canal regeneration programme that has unlocked millions of pounds of investment, it completes the city to city and sea to sea Lowland Canal towpath. After 10 years of planning, The completion of Stockingfield Bridge in September will enable more people to safely enjoy the health and wellbeing advantages of active travel. For the first time, locals will be able to move effortlessly from these three communities to the city centre and the west end, providing new access to amenities, services, and employment possibilities. The project's community-led art element will make Stockingfield a completely new destination, attracting new people to visit and raising the reputation of this section of the city to new heights." - Richard Millar, Chief Operating Officer, Scottish Canals
"The completed construction of Stockingfield Bridge creates invaluable space for walking wheeling and cycling, and represents a significant improvement to the health and wellbeing of the people of North Glasgow. Not only does this new connection create a safe and convenient active travel route between Ruchill, Gilshochill, Maryhill and on to the west end and city centre, it opens up a scenic setting for residents and visitors in the area to relax and enjoy what the Forth and Clyde Canal has to offer." - Karen McGregor, Portfolio Director, Sustrans
"It’s great to see work commencing on an exciting new bridge for the Forth & Clyde Canal at Stockingfield Junction. Funded by the Scottish Government through the Sustrans Places for Everyone programme, this new bridge will offer people living and visiting North Glasgow better walking, wheeling and cycling connectivity than before. The Stockingfield Bridge will make it even easier for the communities of Maryhill, Ruchill and Gilshochill to get around locally in a sustainable way, as well as accessing the fantastic nature reserve at Possil Marsh. At the same time, it completes a missing link in the National Cycle Network Route 754, which offers a traffic-free route between Glasgow and Edinburgh via the spectacular Falkirk Wheel." - Michael Matheson, Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity
On Time
Local labour under 40 miles
On budget
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